Portal Game World – The JRPG series Persona, developed by Atlus, is well-known among gamers. Initially a spin-off from the Shin Megami Tensei series, Persona has since grown into its own successful franchise. With the recent remakes of Persona 3, fans have been hoping for similar updates to the earlier entries, Persona 1 and Persona 2. It appears that the development team is indeed interested in such remakes, but there are some challenges.
In an exclusive interview with GameSpot, Kazuhisa Wada, the Producer of the Persona series at Atlus, shared intriguing details about upcoming content, including the DLC episode for Persona 3 Reload and future plans for the series. This includes the possibility of remakes for Persona 1 and Persona 2.
Kazuhisa Wada revealed his interest in remaking Persona 1 and Persona 2. However, he noted that these projects are not currently on the production schedule.
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Here is Kazuhisa Wada’s statement regarding the potential remakes of Persona 1 and Persona 2:
Question: Given that Persona 3 Reload is completed, are there any plans to remake Persona 1 and Persona 2?
Kazuhisa Wada: It is not on my schedule at the moment. But I would like to do it someday.
From Wada’s comments, it seems that no official announcements about remakes of the earlier Persona titles will be forthcoming in the near future. Additionally, the development team is currently occupied with the upcoming game Metaphor: ReFantazio.
In summary, while there is interest in remaking Persona 1 and Persona 2, these projects are not currently in the works. Fans will need to wait for an official announcement from Atlus to find out if and when these classic games might be reimagined.
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